'use strict';

const Base = require('./Base');

 * ID that represents a contact
 * @typedef {Object} ContactId
 * @property {string} server
 * @property {string} user
 * @property {string} _serialized

 * Represents a Contact on whatsapp網頁版
 * @extends {Base}
class Contact extends Base {
    constructor(client, data) {

        if(data) this._patch(data);

    _patch(data) {
         * ID that represents the contact
         * @type {ContactId}
        this.id = data.id;

         * Contact's phone number
         * @type {string}
        this.number = data.userid;

         * Indicates if the contact is a business contact
         * @type {boolean}
        this.isBusiness = data.isBusiness;

         * Indicates if the contact is an enterprise contact
         * @type {boolean}
        this.isEnterprise = data.isEnterprise;

        this.labels = data.labels;

         * The contact's name, as saved by the current user
         * @type {?string}
        this.name = data.name;

         * The name that the contact has configured to be shown publically
         * @type {string}
        this.pushname = data.pushname;

        this.sectionHeader = data.sectionHeader;

         * A shortened version of name
         * @type {?string}
        this.shortName = data.shortName;

        this.statusMute = data.statusMute;
        this.type = data.type;
        this.verifiedLevel = data.verifiedLevel;
        this.verifiedName = data.verifiedName;

         * Indicates if the contact is the current user's contact
         * @type {boolean}
        this.isMe = data.isMe;

         * Indicates if the contact is a user contact
         * @type {boolean}
        this.isUser = data.isUser;

         * Indicates if the contact is a group contact
         * @type {boolean}
        this.isGroup = data.isGroup;

         * Indicates if the number is registered on whatsapp網頁版
         * @type {boolean}
        this.isWAContact = data.isWAContact;

         * Indicates if the number is saved in the current phone's contacts
         * @type {boolean}
        this.isMyContact = data.isMyContact;

         * Indicates if you have blocked this contact
         * @type {boolean}
        this.isBlocked = data.isBlocked;
        return super._patch(data);

     * Returns the contact's profile picture URL, if privacy settings allow it
     * @returns {Promise<string>}
    async getProfilePicUrl() {
        return await this.client.getProfilePicUrl(this.id._serialized);

     * Returns the contact's formatted phone number, (12345678901@c.us) => (+1 (234) 5678-901)
     * @returns {Promise<string>}
    async getFormattedNumber() {
        return await this.client.getFormattedNumber(this.id._serialized);
     * Returns the contact's countrycode, (1541859685@c.us) => (1)
     * @returns {Promise<string>}
    async getCountryCode() {
        return await this.client.getCountryCode(this.id._serialized);
     * Returns the Chat that corresponds to this Contact. 
     * Will return null when getting chat for currently logged in user.
     * @returns {Promise<Chat>}
    async getChat() {
        if(this.isMe) return null;

        return await this.client.getChatById(this.id._serialized);

     * Blocks this contact from whatsapp網頁版
     * @returns {Promise<boolean>}
    async block() {
        if(this.isGroup) return false;

        await this.client.pupPage.evaluate(async (contactId) => {
            const contact = window.Store.Contact.get(contactId);
            await window.Store.BlockContact.blockContact({contact});
        }, this.id._serialized);

        this.isBlocked = true;
        return true;

     * Unblocks this contact from whatsapp網頁版
     * @returns {Promise<boolean>}
    async unblock() {
        if(this.isGroup) return false;

        await this.client.pupPage.evaluate(async (contactId) => {
            const contact = window.Store.Contact.get(contactId);
            await window.Store.BlockContact.unblockContact(contact);
        }, this.id._serialized);

        this.isBlocked = false;
        return true;

     * Gets the Contact's current "about" info. Returns null if you don't have permission to read their status.
     * @returns {Promise<?string>}
    async getAbout() {
        const about = await this.client.pupPage.evaluate(async (contactId) => {
            const wid = window.Store.WidFactory.createWid(contactId);
            return window.Store.StatusUtils.getStatus(wid);
        }, this.id._serialized);

        if (typeof about.status !== 'string')
            return null;

        return about.status;

     * Gets the Contact's common groups with you. Returns empty array if you don't have any common group.
     * @returns {Promise<WAWebJS.ChatId[]>}
    async getCommonGroups() {
        return await this.client.getCommonGroups(this.id._serialized);

module.exports = Contact;