'use strict';

const EventEmitter = require('events');
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const moduleRaid = require('@pedroslopez/moduleraid/moduleraid');

const Util = require('./util/Util');
const InterfaceController = require('./util/InterfaceController');
const { WhatsWebURL, DefaultOptions, Events, WAState } = require('./util/Constants');
const { ExposeAuthStore } = require('./util/Injected/AuthStore/AuthStore');
const { ExposeStore } = require('./util/Injected/Store');
const { ExposeLegacyAuthStore } = require('./util/Injected/AuthStore/LegacyAuthStore');
const { ExposeLegacyStore } = require('./util/Injected/LegacyStore');
const { LoadUtils } = require('./util/Injected/Utils');
const ChatFactory = require('./factories/ChatFactory');
const ContactFactory = require('./factories/ContactFactory');
const WebCacheFactory = require('./webCache/WebCacheFactory');
const { ClientInfo, Message, MessageMedia, Contact, Location, Poll, PollVote, GroupNotification, Label, Call, Buttons, List, Reaction, Broadcast} = require('./structures');
const NoAuth = require('./authStrategies/NoAuth');
const {exposeFunctionIfAbsent} = require('./util/Puppeteer');

 * Starting point for interacting with the whatsapp網頁版 Web API
 * @extends {EventEmitter}
 * @param {object} options - Client options
 * @param {AuthStrategy} options.authStrategy - Determines how to save and restore sessions. Will use LegacySessionAuth if options.session is set. Otherwise, NoAuth will be used.
 * @param {string} options.webVersion - The version of whatsapp網頁版 Web to use. Use options.webVersionCache to configure how the version is retrieved.
 * @param {object} options.webVersionCache - Determines how to retrieve the whatsapp網頁版 Web version. Defaults to a local cache (LocalWebCache) that falls back to latest if the requested version is not found.
 * @param {number} options.authTimeoutMs - Timeout for authentication selector in puppeteer
 * @param {object} options.puppeteer - Puppeteer launch options. View docs here: https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/
 * @param {number} options.qrMaxRetries - How many times should the qrcode be refreshed before giving up
 * @param {string} options.restartOnAuthFail  - @deprecated This option should be set directly on the LegacySessionAuth.
 * @param {object} options.session - @deprecated Only here for backwards-compatibility. You should move to using LocalAuth, or set the authStrategy to LegacySessionAuth explicitly. 
 * @param {number} options.takeoverOnConflict - If another whatsapp網頁版 web session is detected (another browser), take over the session in the current browser
 * @param {number} options.takeoverTimeoutMs - How much time to wait before taking over the session
 * @param {string} options.userAgent - User agent to use in puppeteer
 * @param {string} options.ffmpegPath - Ffmpeg path to use when formatting videos to webp while sending stickers 
 * @param {boolean} options.bypassCSP - Sets bypassing of page's Content-Security-Policy.
 * @param {object} options.proxyAuthentication - Proxy Authentication object.
 * @fires Client#qr
 * @fires Client#authenticated
 * @fires Client#auth_failure
 * @fires Client#ready
 * @fires Client#message
 * @fires Client#message_ack
 * @fires Client#message_create
 * @fires Client#message_revoke_me
 * @fires Client#message_revoke_everyone
 * @fires Client#message_ciphertext
 * @fires Client#message_edit
 * @fires Client#media_uploaded
 * @fires Client#group_join
 * @fires Client#group_leave
 * @fires Client#group_update
 * @fires Client#disconnected
 * @fires Client#change_state
 * @fires Client#contact_changed
 * @fires Client#group_admin_changed
 * @fires Client#group_membership_request
 * @fires Client#vote_update
class Client extends EventEmitter {
    constructor(options = {}) {

        this.options = Util.mergeDefault(DefaultOptions, options);
        if(!this.options.authStrategy) {
            this.authStrategy = new NoAuth();
        } else {
            this.authStrategy = this.options.authStrategy;


         * @type {puppeteer.Browser}
        this.pupBrowser = null;
         * @type {puppeteer.Page}
        this.pupPage = null;

        this.currentIndexHtml = null;
        this.lastLoggedOut = false;

     * Injection logic
     * Private function
    async inject() {
        await this.pupPage.waitForFunction('window.Debug?.VERSION != undefined', {timeout: this.options.authTimeoutMs});

        const version = await this.getWWebVersion();
        const isCometOrAbove = parseInt(version.split('.')?.[1]) >= 3000;

        if (isCometOrAbove) {
            await this.pupPage.evaluate(ExposeAuthStore);
        } else {
            await this.pupPage.evaluate(ExposeLegacyAuthStore, moduleRaid.toString());

        const needAuthentication = await this.pupPage.evaluate(async () => {
            let state = window.AuthStore.AppState.state;

            if (state === 'OPENING' || state === 'UNLAUNCHED' || state === 'PAIRING') {
                // wait till state changes
                await new Promise(r => {
                    window.AuthStore.AppState.on('change:state', function waitTillInit(_AppState, state) {
                        if (state !== 'OPENING' && state !== 'UNLAUNCHED' && state !== 'PAIRING') {
                            window.AuthStore.AppState.off('change:state', waitTillInit);
            state = window.AuthStore.AppState.state;
            return state == 'UNPAIRED' || state == 'UNPAIRED_IDLE';

        if (needAuthentication) {
            const { failed, failureEventPayload, restart } = await this.authStrategy.onAuthenticationNeeded();

            if(failed) {
                 * Emitted when there has been an error while trying to restore an existing session
                 * @event Client#auth_failure
                 * @param {string} message
                this.emit(Events.AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE, failureEventPayload);
                await this.destroy();
                if (restart) {
                    // session restore failed so try again but without session to force new authentication
                    return this.initialize();

            // Register qr events
            let qrRetries = 0;
            await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onQRChangedEvent', async (qr) => {
                * Emitted when a QR code is received
                * @event Client#qr
                * @param {string} qr QR Code
                this.emit(Events.QR_RECEIVED, qr);
                if (this.options.qrMaxRetries > 0) {
                    if (qrRetries > this.options.qrMaxRetries) {
                        this.emit(Events.DISCONNECTED, 'Max qrcode retries reached');
                        await this.destroy();

            await this.pupPage.evaluate(async () => {
                const registrationInfo = await window.AuthStore.RegistrationUtils.waSignalStore.getRegistrationInfo();
                const noiseKeyPair = await window.AuthStore.RegistrationUtils.waNoiseInfo.get();
                const staticKeyB64 = window.AuthStore.Base64Tools.encodeB64(noiseKeyPair.staticKeyPair.pubKey);
                const identityKeyB64 = window.AuthStore.Base64Tools.encodeB64(registrationInfo.identityKeyPair.pubKey);
                const advSecretKey = await window.AuthStore.RegistrationUtils.getADVSecretKey();
                const platform =  window.AuthStore.RegistrationUtils.DEVICE_PLATFORM;
                const getQR = (ref) => ref + ',' + staticKeyB64 + ',' + identityKeyB64 + ',' + advSecretKey + ',' + platform;
                window.onQRChangedEvent(getQR(window.AuthStore.Conn.ref)); // initial qr
                window.AuthStore.Conn.on('change:ref', (_, ref) => { window.onQRChangedEvent(getQR(ref)); }); // future QR changes

        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onAuthAppStateChangedEvent', async (state) => {
            if (state == 'UNPAIRED_IDLE') {
                // refresh qr code

        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onAppStateHasSyncedEvent', async () => {
            const authEventPayload = await this.authStrategy.getAuthEventPayload();
                 * Emitted when authentication is successful
                 * @event Client#authenticated
            this.emit(Events.AUTHENTICATED, authEventPayload);

            const injected = await this.pupPage.evaluate(async () => {
                return typeof window.Store !== 'undefined' && typeof window.WWebJS !== 'undefined';

            if (!injected) {
                if (this.options.webVersionCache.type === 'local' && this.currentIndexHtml) {
                    const { type: webCacheType, ...webCacheOptions } = this.options.webVersionCache;
                    const webCache = WebCacheFactory.createWebCache(webCacheType, webCacheOptions);
                    await webCache.persist(this.currentIndexHtml, version);

                if (isCometOrAbove) {
                    await this.pupPage.evaluate(ExposeStore);
                } else {
                    // make sure all modules are ready before injection
                    // 2 second delay after authentication makes sense and does not need to be made dyanmic or removed
                    await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 2000)); 
                    await this.pupPage.evaluate(ExposeLegacyStore);

                // Check window.Store Injection
                await this.pupPage.waitForFunction('window.Store != undefined');
                     * Current connection information
                     * @type {ClientInfo}
                this.info = new ClientInfo(this, await this.pupPage.evaluate(() => {
                    return { ...window.Store.Conn.serialize(), wid: window.Store.User.getMeUser() };

                this.interface = new InterfaceController(this);

                //Load util functions (serializers, helper functions)
                await this.pupPage.evaluate(LoadUtils);

                await this.attachEventListeners();
                 * Emitted when the client has initialized and is ready to receive messages.
                 * @event Client#ready
        let lastPercent = null;
        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onOfflineProgressUpdateEvent', async (percent) => {
            if (lastPercent !== percent) {
                lastPercent = percent;
                this.emit(Events.LOADING_SCREEN, percent, 'whatsapp網頁版'); // Message is hardcoded as "whatsapp網頁版" for now
        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onLogoutEvent', async () => {
            this.lastLoggedOut = true;
            await this.pupPage.waitForNavigation({waitUntil: 'load', timeout: 5000}).catch((_) => _);
        await this.pupPage.evaluate(() => {
            window.AuthStore.AppState.on('change:state', (_AppState, state) => { window.onAuthAppStateChangedEvent(state); });
            window.AuthStore.AppState.on('change:hasSynced', () => { window.onAppStateHasSyncedEvent(); });
            window.AuthStore.Cmd.on('offline_progress_update', () => {
            window.AuthStore.Cmd.on('logout', async () => {
                await window.onLogoutEvent();

     * Sets up events and requirements, kicks off authentication request
    async initialize() {

             * @type {puppeteer.Browser}
             * @type {puppeteer.Page}

        browser = null;
        page = null;

        await this.authStrategy.beforeBrowserInitialized();

        const puppeteerOpts = this.options.puppeteer;
        if (puppeteerOpts && puppeteerOpts.browserWSEndpoint) {
            browser = await puppeteer.connect(puppeteerOpts);
            page = await browser.newPage();
        } else {
            const browserArgs = [...(puppeteerOpts.args || [])];
            if(!browserArgs.find(arg => arg.includes('--user-agent'))) {
            // navigator.webdriver fix

            browser = await puppeteer.launch({...puppeteerOpts, args: browserArgs});
            page = (await browser.pages())[0];

        if (this.options.proxyAuthentication !== undefined) {
            await page.authenticate(this.options.proxyAuthentication);
        await page.setUserAgent(this.options.userAgent);
        if (this.options.bypassCSP) await page.setBypassCSP(true);

        this.pupBrowser = browser;
        this.pupPage = page;

        await this.authStrategy.afterBrowserInitialized();
        await this.initWebVersionCache();

        // ocVersion (isOfficialClient patch)
        // remove after 2.3000.x hard release
        await page.evaluateOnNewDocument(() => {
            const originalError = Error;
            window.originalError = originalError;
            //eslint-disable-next-line no-global-assign
            Error = function (message) {
                const error = new originalError(message);
                const originalStack = error.stack;
                if (error.stack.includes('moduleRaid')) error.stack = originalStack + '\n    at https://web.whatsapp網頁版.com/vendors~lazy_loaded_low_priority_components.05e98054dbd60f980427.js:2:44';
                return error;
        await page.goto(WhatsWebURL, {
            waitUntil: 'load',
            timeout: 0,
            referer: 'https://whatsapp網頁版.com/'

        await this.inject();

        this.pupPage.on('framenavigated', async (frame) => {
            if(frame.url().includes('post_logout=1') || this.lastLoggedOut) {
                this.emit(Events.DISCONNECTED, 'LOGOUT');
                await this.authStrategy.logout();
                await this.authStrategy.beforeBrowserInitialized();
                await this.authStrategy.afterBrowserInitialized();
                this.lastLoggedOut = false;
            await this.inject();

     * Request authentication via pairing code instead of QR code
     * @param {string} phoneNumber - Phone number in international, symbol-free format (e.g. 12025550108 for US, 551155501234 for Brazil)
     * @param {boolean} showNotification - Show notification to pair on phone number
     * @returns {Promise<string>} - Returns a pairing code in format "ABCDEFGH"
    async requestPairingCode(phoneNumber, showNotification = true) {
        return await this.pupPage.evaluate(async (phoneNumber, showNotification) => {
            await window.AuthStore.PairingCodeLinkUtils.initializeAltDeviceLinking();
            return window.AuthStore.PairingCodeLinkUtils.startAltLinkingFlow(phoneNumber, showNotification);
        }, phoneNumber, showNotification);

     * Attach event listeners to WA Web
     * Private function
     * @property {boolean} reinject is this a reinject?
    async attachEventListeners() {
        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onAddMessageEvent', msg => {
            if (msg.type === 'gp2') {
                const notification = new GroupNotification(this, msg);
                if (['add', 'invite', 'linked_group_join'].includes(msg.subtype)) {
                         * Emitted when a user joins the chat via invite link or is added by an admin.
                         * @event Client#group_join
                         * @param {GroupNotification} notification GroupNotification with more information about the action
                    this.emit(Events.GROUP_JOIN, notification);
                } else if (msg.subtype === 'remove' || msg.subtype === 'leave') {
                         * Emitted when a user leaves the chat or is removed by an admin.
                         * @event Client#group_leave
                         * @param {GroupNotification} notification GroupNotification with more information about the action
                    this.emit(Events.GROUP_LEAVE, notification);
                } else if (msg.subtype === 'promote' || msg.subtype === 'demote') {
                         * Emitted when a current user is promoted to an admin or demoted to a regular user.
                         * @event Client#group_admin_changed
                         * @param {GroupNotification} notification GroupNotification with more information about the action
                    this.emit(Events.GROUP_ADMIN_CHANGED, notification);
                } else if (msg.subtype === 'membership_approval_request') {
                         * Emitted when some user requested to join the group
                         * that has the membership approval mode turned on
                         * @event Client#group_membership_request
                         * @param {GroupNotification} notification GroupNotification with more information about the action
                         * @param {string} notification.chatId The group ID the request was made for
                         * @param {string} notification.author The user ID that made a request
                         * @param {number} notification.timestamp The timestamp the request was made at
                    this.emit(Events.GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_REQUEST, notification);
                } else {
                         * Emitted when group settings are updated, such as subject, description or picture.
                         * @event Client#group_update
                         * @param {GroupNotification} notification GroupNotification with more information about the action
                    this.emit(Events.GROUP_UPDATE, notification);

            const message = new Message(this, msg);

                 * Emitted when a new message is created, which may include the current user's own messages.
                 * @event Client#message_create
                 * @param {Message} message The message that was created
            this.emit(Events.MESSAGE_CREATE, message);

            if (msg.id.fromMe) return;

                 * Emitted when a new message is received.
                 * @event Client#message
                 * @param {Message} message The message that was received
            this.emit(Events.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, message);

        let last_message;

        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onChangeMessageTypeEvent', (msg) => {

            if (msg.type === 'revoked') {
                const message = new Message(this, msg);
                let revoked_msg;
                if (last_message && msg.id.id === last_message.id.id) {
                    revoked_msg = new Message(this, last_message);

                     * Emitted when a message is deleted for everyone in the chat.
                     * @event Client#message_revoke_everyone
                     * @param {Message} message The message that was revoked, in its current state. It will not contain the original message's data.
                     * @param {?Message} revoked_msg The message that was revoked, before it was revoked. It will contain the message's original data. 
                     * Note that due to the way this data is captured, it may be possible that this param will be undefined.
                this.emit(Events.MESSAGE_REVOKED_EVERYONE, message, revoked_msg);


        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onChangeMessageEvent', (msg) => {

            if (msg.type !== 'revoked') {
                last_message = msg;

                 * The event notification that is received when one of
                 * the group participants changes their phone number.
            const isParticipant = msg.type === 'gp2' && msg.subtype === 'modify';

                 * The event notification that is received when one of
                 * the contacts changes their phone number.
            const isContact = msg.type === 'notification_template' && msg.subtype === 'change_number';

            if (isParticipant || isContact) {
                /** @type {GroupNotification} object does not provide enough information about this event, so a @type {Message} object is used. */
                const message = new Message(this, msg);

                const newId = isParticipant ? msg.recipients[0] : msg.to;
                const oldId = isParticipant ? msg.author : msg.templateParams.find(id => id !== newId);

                     * Emitted when a contact or a group participant changes their phone number.
                     * @event Client#contact_changed
                     * @param {Message} message Message with more information about the event.
                     * @param {String} oldId The user's id (an old one) who changed their phone number
                     * and who triggered the notification.
                     * @param {String} newId The user's new id after the change.
                     * @param {Boolean} isContact Indicates if a contact or a group participant changed their phone number.
                this.emit(Events.CONTACT_CHANGED, message, oldId, newId, isContact);

        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onRemoveMessageEvent', (msg) => {

            if (!msg.isNewMsg) return;

            const message = new Message(this, msg);

                 * Emitted when a message is deleted by the current user.
                 * @event Client#message_revoke_me
                 * @param {Message} message The message that was revoked
            this.emit(Events.MESSAGE_REVOKED_ME, message);


        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onMessageAckEvent', (msg, ack) => {

            const message = new Message(this, msg);

                 * Emitted when an ack event occurrs on message type.
                 * @event Client#message_ack
                 * @param {Message} message The message that was affected
                 * @param {MessageAck} ack The new ACK value
            this.emit(Events.MESSAGE_ACK, message, ack);


        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onChatUnreadCountEvent', async (data) =>{
            const chat = await this.getChatById(data.id);
                 * Emitted when the chat unread count changes
            this.emit(Events.UNREAD_COUNT, chat);

        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onMessageMediaUploadedEvent', (msg) => {

            const message = new Message(this, msg);

                 * Emitted when media has been uploaded for a message sent by the client.
                 * @event Client#media_uploaded
                 * @param {Message} message The message with media that was uploaded
            this.emit(Events.MEDIA_UPLOADED, message);

        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onAppStateChangedEvent', async (state) => {
                 * Emitted when the connection state changes
                 * @event Client#change_state
                 * @param {WAState} state the new connection state
            this.emit(Events.STATE_CHANGED, state);


            if (this.options.takeoverOnConflict) {

                if (state === WAState.CONFLICT) {
                    setTimeout(() => {
                        this.pupPage.evaluate(() => window.Store.AppState.takeover());
                    }, this.options.takeoverTimeoutMs);

            if (!ACCEPTED_STATES.includes(state)) {
                     * Emitted when the client has been disconnected
                     * @event Client#disconnected
                     * @param {WAState|"LOGOUT"} reason reason that caused the disconnect
                await this.authStrategy.disconnect();
                this.emit(Events.DISCONNECTED, state);

        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onBatteryStateChangedEvent', (state) => {
            const { battery, plugged } = state;

            if (battery === undefined) return;

                 * Emitted when the battery percentage for the attached device changes. Will not be sent if using multi-device.
                 * @event Client#change_battery
                 * @param {object} batteryInfo
                 * @param {number} batteryInfo.battery - The current battery percentage
                 * @param {boolean} batteryInfo.plugged - Indicates if the phone is plugged in (true) or not (false)
                 * @deprecated
            this.emit(Events.BATTERY_CHANGED, { battery, plugged });

        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onIncomingCall', (call) => {
                 * Emitted when a call is received
                 * @event Client#incoming_call
                 * @param {object} call
                 * @param {number} call.id - Call id
                 * @param {string} call.peerJid - Who called
                 * @param {boolean} call.isVideo - if is video
                 * @param {boolean} call.isGroup - if is group
                 * @param {boolean} call.canHandleLocally - if we can handle in waweb
                 * @param {boolean} call.outgoing - if is outgoing
                 * @param {boolean} call.webClientShouldHandle - If Waweb should handle
                 * @param {object} call.participants - Participants
            const cll = new Call(this, call);
            this.emit(Events.INCOMING_CALL, cll);

        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onReaction', (reactions) => {
            for (const reaction of reactions) {
                     * Emitted when a reaction is sent, received, updated or removed
                     * @event Client#message_reaction
                     * @param {object} reaction
                     * @param {object} reaction.id - Reaction id
                     * @param {number} reaction.orphan - Orphan
                     * @param {?string} reaction.orphanReason - Orphan reason
                     * @param {number} reaction.timestamp - Timestamp
                     * @param {string} reaction.reaction - Reaction
                     * @param {boolean} reaction.read - Read
                     * @param {object} reaction.msgId - Parent message id
                     * @param {string} reaction.senderId - Sender id
                     * @param {?number} reaction.ack - Ack

                this.emit(Events.MESSAGE_REACTION, new Reaction(this, reaction));

        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onRemoveChatEvent', async (chat) => {
            const _chat = await this.getChatById(chat.id);

                 * Emitted when a chat is removed
                 * @event Client#chat_removed
                 * @param {Chat} chat
            this.emit(Events.CHAT_REMOVED, _chat);
        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onArchiveChatEvent', async (chat, currState, prevState) => {
            const _chat = await this.getChatById(chat.id);
                 * Emitted when a chat is archived/unarchived
                 * @event Client#chat_archived
                 * @param {Chat} chat
                 * @param {boolean} currState
                 * @param {boolean} prevState
            this.emit(Events.CHAT_ARCHIVED, _chat, currState, prevState);

        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onEditMessageEvent', (msg, newBody, prevBody) => {
            if(msg.type === 'revoked'){
                 * Emitted when messages are edited
                 * @event Client#message_edit
                 * @param {Message} message
                 * @param {string} newBody
                 * @param {string} prevBody
            this.emit(Events.MESSAGE_EDIT, new Message(this, msg), newBody, prevBody);
        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onAddMessageCiphertextEvent', msg => {
                 * Emitted when messages are edited
                 * @event Client#message_ciphertext
                 * @param {Message} message
            this.emit(Events.MESSAGE_CIPHERTEXT, new Message(this, msg));

        await exposeFunctionIfAbsent(this.pupPage, 'onPollVoteEvent', (vote) => {
            const _vote = new PollVote(this, vote);
             * Emitted when some poll option is selected or deselected,
             * shows a user's current selected option(s) on the poll
             * @event Client#vote_update
            this.emit(Events.VOTE_UPDATE, _vote);

        await this.pupPage.evaluate(() => {
            window.Store.Msg.on('change', (msg) => { window.onChangeMessageEvent(window.WWebJS.getMessageModel(msg)); });
            window.Store.Msg.on('change:type', (msg) => { window.onChangeMessageTypeEvent(window.WWebJS.getMessageModel(msg)); });
            window.Store.Msg.on('change:ack', (msg, ack) => { window.onMessageAckEvent(window.WWebJS.getMessageModel(msg), ack); });
            window.Store.Msg.on('change:isUnsentMedia', (msg, unsent) => { if (msg.id.fromMe && !unsent) window.onMessageMediaUploadedEvent(window.WWebJS.getMessageModel(msg)); });
            window.Store.Msg.on('remove', (msg) => { if (msg.isNewMsg) window.onRemoveMessageEvent(window.WWebJS.getMessageModel(msg)); });
            window.Store.Msg.on('change:body change:caption', (msg, newBody, prevBody) => { window.onEditMessageEvent(window.WWebJS.getMessageModel(msg), newBody, prevBody); });
            window.Store.AppState.on('change:state', (_AppState, state) => { window.onAppStateChangedEvent(state); });
            window.Store.Conn.on('change:battery', (state) => { window.onBatteryStateChangedEvent(state); });
            window.Store.Call.on('add', (call) => { window.onIncomingCall(call); });
            window.Store.Chat.on('remove', async (chat) => { window.onRemoveChatEvent(await window.WWebJS.getChatModel(chat)); });
            window.Store.Chat.on('change:archive', async (chat, currState, prevState) => { window.onArchiveChatEvent(await window.WWebJS.getChatModel(chat), currState, prevState); });
            window.Store.Msg.on('add', (msg) => { 
                if (msg.isNewMsg) {
                    if(msg.type === 'ciphertext') {
                        // defer message event until ciphertext is resolved (type changed)
                        msg.once('change:type', (_msg) => window.onAddMessageEvent(window.WWebJS.getMessageModel(_msg)));
                    } else {
            window.Store.Chat.on('change:unreadCount', (chat) => {window.onChatUnreadCountEvent(chat);});
            window.Store.PollVote.on('add', async (vote) => {
                const pollVoteModel = await window.WWebJS.getPollVoteModel(vote);
                pollVoteModel && window.onPollVoteEvent(pollVoteModel);

            if (window.compareWwebVersions(window.Debug.VERSION, '>=', '2.3000.1014111620')) {
                const module = window.Store.AddonReactionTable;
                const ogMethod = module.bulkUpsert;
                module.bulkUpsert = ((...args) => {
                    window.onReaction(args[0].map(reaction => {
                        const msgKey = reaction.id;
                        const parentMsgKey = reaction.reactionParentKey;
                        const timestamp = reaction.reactionTimestamp / 1000;
                        const sender = reaction.author ?? reaction.from;
                        const senderUserJid = sender._serialized;

                        return {...reaction, msgKey, parentMsgKey, senderUserJid, timestamp };

                    return ogMethod(...args);
            } else {
                const module = window.Store.createOrUpdateReactionsModule;
                const ogMethod = module.createOrUpdateReactions;
                module.createOrUpdateReactions = ((...args) => {
                    window.onReaction(args[0].map(reaction => {
                        const msgKey = window.Store.MsgKey.fromString(reaction.msgKey);
                        const parentMsgKey = window.Store.MsgKey.fromString(reaction.parentMsgKey);
                        const timestamp = reaction.timestamp / 1000;

                        return {...reaction, msgKey, parentMsgKey, timestamp };

                    return ogMethod(...args);

    async initWebVersionCache() {
        const { type: webCacheType, ...webCacheOptions } = this.options.webVersionCache;
        const webCache = WebCacheFactory.createWebCache(webCacheType, webCacheOptions);

        const requestedVersion = this.options.webVersion;
        const versionContent = await webCache.resolve(requestedVersion);

        if(versionContent) {
            await this.pupPage.setRequestInterception(true);
            this.pupPage.on('request', async (req) => {
                if(req.url() === WhatsWebURL) {
                        status: 200,
                        contentType: 'text/html',
                        body: versionContent
                } else {
        } else {
            this.pupPage.on('response', async (res) => {
                if(res.ok() && res.url() === WhatsWebURL) {
                    const indexHtml = await res.text();
                    this.currentIndexHtml = indexHtml;

     * Closes the client
    async destroy() {
        await this.pupBrowser.close();
        await this.authStrategy.destroy();

     * Logs out the client, closing the current session
    async logout() {
        await this.pupPage.evaluate(() => {
            if (window.Store && window.Store.AppState && typeof window.Store.AppState.logout === 'function') {
                return window.Store.AppState.logout();
        await this.pupBrowser.close();
        let maxDelay = 0;
        while (this.pupBrowser.isConnected() && (maxDelay < 10)) { // waits a maximum of 1 second before calling the AuthStrategy
            await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
        await this.authStrategy.logout();

     * Returns the version of whatsapp網頁版 Web currently being run
     * @returns {Promise<string>}
    async getWWebVersion() {
        return await this.pupPage.evaluate(() => {
            return window.Debug.VERSION;

     * Mark as seen for the Chat
     *  @param {string} chatId
     *  @returns {Promise<boolean>} result
    async sendSeen(chatId) {
        const result = await this.pupPage.evaluate(async (chatId) => {
            return window.WWebJS.sendSeen(chatId);

        }, chatId);
        return result;

     * An object representing mentions of groups
     * @typedef {Object} GroupMention
     * @property {string} subject - The name of a group to mention (can be custom)
     * @property {string} id - The group ID, e.g.: 'XXXXXXXXXX@g.us'

     * Message options.
     * @typedef {Object} MessageSendOptions
     * @property {boolean} [linkPreview=true] - Show links preview. Has no effect on multi-device accounts.
     * @property {boolean} [sendAudioAsVoice=false] - Send audio as voice message with a generated waveform
     * @property {boolean} [sendVideoAsGif=false] - Send video as gif
     * @property {boolean} [sendMediaAsSticker=false] - Send media as a sticker
     * @property {boolean} [sendMediaAsDocument=false] - Send media as a document
     * @property {boolean} [isViewOnce=false] - Send photo/video as a view once message
     * @property {boolean} [parseVCards=true] - Automatically parse vCards and send them as contacts
     * @property {string} [caption] - Image or video caption
     * @property {string} [quotedMessageId] - Id of the message that is being quoted (or replied to)
     * @property {GroupMention[]} [groupMentions] - An array of object that handle group mentions
     * @property {string[]} [mentions] - User IDs to mention in the message
     * @property {boolean} [sendSeen=true] - Mark the conversation as seen after sending the message
     * @property {string} [invokedBotWid=undefined] - Bot Wid when doing a bot mention like @Meta AI
     * @property {string} [stickerAuthor=undefined] - Sets the author of the sticker, (if sendMediaAsSticker is true).
     * @property {string} [stickerName=undefined] - Sets the name of the sticker, (if sendMediaAsSticker is true).
     * @property {string[]} [stickerCategories=undefined] - Sets the categories of the sticker, (if sendMediaAsSticker is true). Provide emoji char array, can be null.
     * @property {MessageMedia} [media] - Media to be sent
     * Send a message to a specific chatId
     * @param {string} chatId
     * @param {string|MessageMedia|Location|Poll|Contact|Array<Contact>|Buttons|List} content
     * @param {MessageSendOptions} [options] - Options used when sending the message
     * @returns {Promise<Message>} Message that was just sent
    async sendMessage(chatId, content, options = {}) {
        if (options.mentions) {
            !Array.isArray(options.mentions) && (options.mentions = [options.mentions]);
            if (options.mentions.some((possiblyContact) => possiblyContact instanceof Contact)) {
                console.warn('Mentions with an array of Contact are now deprecated. See more at https://github.com/pedroslopez/whatsapp網頁版-web.js/pull/2166.');
                options.mentions = options.mentions.map((a) => a.id._serialized);

        options.groupMentions && !Array.isArray(options.groupMentions) && (options.groupMentions = [options.groupMentions]);

        let internalOptions = {
            linkPreview: options.linkPreview === false ? undefined : true,
            sendAudioAsVoice: options.sendAudioAsVoice,
            sendVideoAsGif: options.sendVideoAsGif,
            sendMediaAsSticker: options.sendMediaAsSticker,
            sendMediaAsDocument: options.sendMediaAsDocument,
            caption: options.caption,
            quotedMessageId: options.quotedMessageId,
            parseVCards: options.parseVCards !== false,
            mentionedJidList: options.mentions || [],
            groupMentions: options.groupMentions,
            invokedBotWid: options.invokedBotWid,
            extraOptions: options.extra

        const sendSeen = typeof options.sendSeen === 'undefined' ? true : options.sendSeen;

        if (content instanceof MessageMedia) {
            internalOptions.attachment = content;
            internalOptions.isViewOnce = options.isViewOnce,
            content = '';
        } else if (options.media instanceof MessageMedia) {
            internalOptions.attachment = options.media;
            internalOptions.caption = content;
            internalOptions.isViewOnce = options.isViewOnce,
            content = '';
        } else if (content instanceof Location) {
            internalOptions.location = content;
            content = '';
        } else if (content instanceof Poll) {
            internalOptions.poll = content;
            content = '';
        } else if (content instanceof Contact) {
            internalOptions.contactCard = content.id._serialized;
            content = '';
        } else if (Array.isArray(content) && content.length > 0 && content[0] instanceof Contact) {
            internalOptions.contactCardList = content.map(contact => contact.id._serialized);
            content = '';
        } else if (content instanceof Buttons) {
            if (content.type !== 'chat') { internalOptions.attachment = content.body; }
            internalOptions.buttons = content;
            content = '';
        } else if (content instanceof List) {
            internalOptions.list = content;
            content = '';

        if (internalOptions.sendMediaAsSticker && internalOptions.attachment) {
            internalOptions.attachment = await Util.formatToWebpSticker(
                internalOptions.attachment, {
                    name: options.stickerName,
                    author: options.stickerAuthor,
                    categories: options.stickerCategories
                }, this.pupPage

        const newMessage = await this.pupPage.evaluate(async (chatId, message, options, sendSeen) => {
            const chatWid = window.Store.WidFactory.createWid(chatId);
            const chat = await window.Store.Chat.find(chatWid);

            if (sendSeen) {
                await window.WWebJS.sendSeen(chatId);

            const msg = await window.WWebJS.sendMessage(chat, message, options, sendSeen);
            return window.WWebJS.getMessageModel(msg);
        }, chatId, content, internalOptions, sendSeen);

        return new Message(this, newMessage);
     * Searches for messages
     * @param {string} query
     * @param {Object} [options]
     * @param {number} [options.page]
     * @param {number} [options.limit]
     * @param {string} [options.chatId]
     * @returns {Promise<Message[]>}
    async searchMessages(query, options = {}) {
        const messages = await this.pupPage.evaluate(async (query, page, count, remote) => {
            const { messages } = await window.Store.Msg.search(query, page, count, remote);
            return messages.map(msg => window.WWebJS.getMessageModel(msg));
        }, query, options.page, options.limit, options.chatId);

        return messages.map(msg => new Message(this, msg));

     * Get all current chat instances
     * @returns {Promise<Array<Chat>>}
    async getChats() {
        let chats = await this.pupPage.evaluate(async () => {
            return await window.WWebJS.getChats();

        return chats.map(chat => ChatFactory.create(this, chat));

     * Get chat instance by ID
     * @param {string} chatId 
     * @returns {Promise<Chat>}
    async getChatById(chatId) {
        let chat = await this.pupPage.evaluate(async chatId => {
            return await window.WWebJS.getChat(chatId);
        }, chatId);

        return ChatFactory.create(this, chat);

     * Get all current contact instances
     * @returns {Promise<Array<Contact>>}
    async getContacts() {
        let contacts = await this.pupPage.evaluate(() => {
            return window.WWebJS.getContacts();

        return contacts.map(contact => ContactFactory.create(this, contact));

     * Get contact instance by ID
     * @param {string} contactId
     * @returns {Promise<Contact>}
    async getContactById(contactId) {
        let contact = await this.pupPage.evaluate(contactId => {
            return window.WWebJS.getContact(contactId);
        }, contactId);

        return ContactFactory.create(this, contact);
    async getMessageById(messageId) {
        const msg = await this.pupPage.evaluate(async messageId => {
            let msg = window.Store.Msg.get(messageId);
            if(msg) return window.WWebJS.getMessageModel(msg);

            const params = messageId.split('_');
            if (params.length !== 3 && params.length !== 4) throw new Error('Invalid serialized message id specified');

            let messagesObject = await window.Store.Msg.getMessagesById([messageId]);
            if (messagesObject && messagesObject.messages.length) msg = messagesObject.messages[0];
            if(msg) return window.WWebJS.getMessageModel(msg);
        }, messageId);

        if(msg) return new Message(this, msg);
        return null;

     * Returns an object with information about the invite code's group
     * @param {string} inviteCode 
     * @returns {Promise<object>} Invite information
    async getInviteInfo(inviteCode) {
        return await this.pupPage.evaluate(inviteCode => {
            return window.Store.GroupInvite.queryGroupInvite(inviteCode);
        }, inviteCode);

     * Accepts an invitation to join a group
     * @param {string} inviteCode Invitation code
     * @returns {Promise<string>} Id of the joined Chat
    async acceptInvite(inviteCode) {
        const res = await this.pupPage.evaluate(async inviteCode => {
            return await window.Store.GroupInvite.joinGroupViaInvite(inviteCode);
        }, inviteCode);

        return res.gid._serialized;

     * Accepts a private invitation to join a group
     * @param {object} inviteInfo Invite V4 Info
     * @returns {Promise<Object>}
    async acceptGroupV4Invite(inviteInfo) {
        if (!inviteInfo.inviteCode) throw 'Invalid invite code, try passing the message.inviteV4 object';
        if (inviteInfo.inviteCodeExp == 0) throw 'Expired invite code';
        return this.pupPage.evaluate(async inviteInfo => {
            let { groupId, fromId, inviteCode, inviteCodeExp } = inviteInfo;
            let userWid = window.Store.WidFactory.createWid(fromId);
            return await window.Store.GroupInviteV4.joinGroupViaInviteV4(inviteCode, String(inviteCodeExp), groupId, userWid);
        }, inviteInfo);

     * Sets the current user's status message
     * @param {string} status New status message
    async setStatus(status) {
        await this.pupPage.evaluate(async status => {
            return await window.Store.StatusUtils.setMyStatus(status);
        }, status);

     * Sets the current user's display name. 
     * This is the name shown to whatsapp網頁版 users that have not added you as a contact beside your number in groups and in your profile.
     * @param {string} displayName New display name
     * @returns {Promise<Boolean>}
    async setDisplayName(displayName) {
        const couldSet = await this.pupPage.evaluate(async displayName => {
            if(!window.Store.Conn.canSetMyPushname()) return false;
            await window.Store.Settings.setPushname(displayName);
            return true;
        }, displayName);

        return couldSet;
     * Gets the current connection state for the client
     * @returns {WAState} 
    async getState() {
        return await this.pupPage.evaluate(() => {
            if(!window.Store) return null;
            return window.Store.AppState.state;

     * Marks the client as online
    async sendPresenceAvailable() {
        return await this.pupPage.evaluate(() => {
            return window.Store.PresenceUtils.sendPresenceAvailable();

     * Marks the client as unavailable
    async sendPresenceUnavailable() {
        return await this.pupPage.evaluate(() => {
            return window.Store.PresenceUtils.sendPresenceUnavailable();

     * Enables and returns the archive state of the Chat
     * @returns {boolean}
    async archiveChat(chatId) {
        return await this.pupPage.evaluate(async chatId => {
            let chat = await window.Store.Chat.get(chatId);
            await window.Store.Cmd.archiveChat(chat, true);
            return true;
        }, chatId);

     * Changes and returns the archive state of the Chat
     * @returns {boolean}
    async unarchiveChat(chatId) {
        return await this.pupPage.evaluate(async chatId => {
            let chat = await window.Store.Chat.get(chatId);
            await window.Store.Cmd.archiveChat(chat, false);
            return false;
        }, chatId);

     * Pins the Chat
     * @returns {Promise<boolean>} New pin state. Could be false if the max number of pinned chats was reached.
    async pinChat(chatId) {
        return this.pupPage.evaluate(async chatId => {
            let chat = window.Store.Chat.get(chatId);
            if (chat.pin) {
                return true;
            const MAX_PIN_COUNT = 3;
            const chatModels = window.Store.Chat.getModelsArray();
            if (chatModels.length > MAX_PIN_COUNT) {
                let maxPinned = chatModels[MAX_PIN_COUNT - 1].pin;
                if (maxPinned) {
                    return false;
            await window.Store.Cmd.pinChat(chat, true);
            return true;
        }, chatId);

     * Unpins the Chat
     * @returns {Promise<boolean>} New pin state
    async unpinChat(chatId) {
        return this.pupPage.evaluate(async chatId => {
            let chat = window.Store.Chat.get(chatId);
            if (!chat.pin) {
                return false;
            await window.Store.Cmd.pinChat(chat, false);
            return false;
        }, chatId);

     * Mutes this chat forever, unless a date is specified
     * @param {string} chatId ID of the chat that will be muted
     * @param {?Date} unmuteDate Date when the chat will be unmuted, leave as is to mute forever
    async muteChat(chatId, unmuteDate) {
        unmuteDate = unmuteDate ? unmuteDate.getTime() / 1000 : -1;
        await this.pupPage.evaluate(async (chatId, timestamp) => {
            let chat = await window.Store.Chat.get(chatId);
            await chat.mute.mute({expiration: timestamp, sendDevice:!0});
        }, chatId, unmuteDate || -1);

     * Unmutes the Chat
     * @param {string} chatId ID of the chat that will be unmuted
    async unmuteChat(chatId) {
        await this.pupPage.evaluate(async chatId => {
            let chat = await window.Store.Chat.get(chatId);
            await window.Store.Cmd.muteChat(chat, false);
        }, chatId);

     * Mark the Chat as unread
     * @param {string} chatId ID of the chat that will be marked as unread
    async markChatUnread(chatId) {
        await this.pupPage.evaluate(async chatId => {
            let chat = await window.Store.Chat.get(chatId);
            await window.Store.Cmd.markChatUnread(chat, true);
        }, chatId);

     * Returns the contact ID's profile picture URL, if privacy settings allow it
     * @param {string} contactId the whatsapp網頁版 user's ID
     * @returns {Promise<string>}
    async getProfilePicUrl(contactId) {
        const profilePic = await this.pupPage.evaluate(async contactId => {
            try {
                const chatWid = window.Store.WidFactory.createWid(contactId);
                return window.compareWwebVersions(window.Debug.VERSION, '<', '2.3000.0')
                    ? await window.Store.ProfilePic.profilePicFind(chatWid)
                    : await window.Store.ProfilePic.requestProfilePicFromServer(chatWid);
            } catch (err) {
                if(err.name === 'ServerStatusCodeError') return undefined;
                throw err;
        }, contactId);
        return profilePic ? profilePic.eurl : undefined;

     * Gets the Contact's common groups with you. Returns empty array if you don't have any common group.
     * @param {string} contactId the whatsapp網頁版 user's ID (_serialized format)
     * @returns {Promise<WAWebJS.ChatId[]>}
    async getCommonGroups(contactId) {
        const commonGroups = await this.pupPage.evaluate(async (contactId) => {
            let contact = window.Store.Contact.get(contactId);
            if (!contact) {
                const wid = window.Store.WidFactory.createUserWid(contactId);
                const chatConstructor = window.Store.Contact.getModelsArray().find(c=>!c.isGroup).constructor;
                contact = new chatConstructor({id: wid});

            if (contact.commonGroups) {
                return contact.commonGroups.serialize();
            const status = await window.Store.findCommonGroups(contact);
            if (status) {
                return contact.commonGroups.serialize();
            return [];
        }, contactId);
        const chats = [];
        for (const group of commonGroups) {
        return chats;

     * Force reset of connection state for the client
    async resetState() {
        await this.pupPage.evaluate(() => {

     * Check if a given ID is registered in whatsapp網頁版
     * @param {string} id the whatsapp網頁版 user's ID
     * @returns {Promise<Boolean>}
    async isRegisteredUser(id) {
        return Boolean(await this.getNumberId(id));

     * Get the registered whatsapp網頁版 ID for a number. 
     * Will return null if the number is not registered on whatsapp網頁版.
     * @param {string} number Number or ID ("@c.us" will be automatically appended if not specified)
     * @returns {Promise<Object|null>}
    async getNumberId(number) {
        if (!number.endsWith('@c.us')) {
            number += '@c.us';

        return await this.pupPage.evaluate(async number => {
            const wid = window.Store.WidFactory.createWid(number);
            const result = await window.Store.QueryExist(wid);
            if (!result || result.wid === undefined) return null;
            return result.wid;
        }, number);

     * Get the formatted number of a whatsapp網頁版 ID.
     * @param {string} number Number or ID
     * @returns {Promise<string>}
    async getFormattedNumber(number) {
        if (!number.endsWith('@s.whatsapp網頁版.net')) number = number.replace('c.us', 's.whatsapp網頁版.net');
        if (!number.includes('@s.whatsapp網頁版.net')) number = `${number}@s.whatsapp網頁版.net`;

        return await this.pupPage.evaluate(async numberId => {
            return window.Store.NumberInfo.formattedPhoneNumber(numberId);
        }, number);

     * Get the country code of a whatsapp網頁版 ID.
     * @param {string} number Number or ID
     * @returns {Promise<string>}
    async getCountryCode(number) {
        number = number.replace(' ', '').replace('+', '').replace('@c.us', '');

        return await this.pupPage.evaluate(async numberId => {
            return window.Store.NumberInfo.findCC(numberId);
        }, number);

     * An object that represents the result for a participant added to a group
     * @typedef {Object} ParticipantResult
     * @property {number} statusCode The status code of the result
     * @property {string} message The result message
     * @property {boolean} isGroupCreator Indicates if the participant is a group creator
     * @property {boolean} isInviteV4Sent Indicates if the inviteV4 was sent to the participant

     * An object that handles the result for {@link createGroup} method
     * @typedef {Object} CreateGroupResult
     * @property {string} title A group title
     * @property {Object} gid An object that handles the newly created group ID
     * @property {string} gid.server
     * @property {string} gid.user
     * @property {string} gid._serialized
     * @property {Object.<string, ParticipantResult>} participants An object that handles the result value for each added to the group participant

     * An object that handles options for group creation
     * @typedef {Object} CreateGroupOptions
     * @property {number} [messageTimer = 0] The number of seconds for the messages to disappear in the group (0 by default, won't take an effect if the group is been creating with myself only)
     * @property {string|undefined} parentGroupId The ID of a parent community group to link the newly created group with (won't take an effect if the group is been creating with myself only)
     * @property {boolean} [autoSendInviteV4 = true] If true, the inviteV4 will be sent to those participants who have restricted others from being automatically added to groups, otherwise the inviteV4 won't be sent (true by default)
     * @property {string} [comment = ''] The comment to be added to an inviteV4 (empty string by default)

     * Creates a new group
     * @param {string} title Group title
     * @param {string|Contact|Array<Contact|string>|undefined} participants A single Contact object or an ID as a string or an array of Contact objects or contact IDs to add to the group
     * @param {CreateGroupOptions} options An object that handles options for group creation
     * @returns {Promise<CreateGroupResult|string>} Object with resulting data or an error message as a string
    async createGroup(title, participants = [], options = {}) {
        !Array.isArray(participants) && (participants = [participants]);
        participants.map(p => (p instanceof Contact) ? p.id._serialized : p);

        return await this.pupPage.evaluate(async (title, participants, options) => {
            const { messageTimer = 0, parentGroupId, autoSendInviteV4 = true, comment = '' } = options;
            const participantData = {}, participantWids = [], failedParticipants = [];
            let createGroupResult, parentGroupWid;

            const addParticipantResultCodes = {
                default: 'An unknown error occupied while adding a participant',
                200: 'The participant was added successfully',
                403: 'The participant can be added by sending private invitation only',
                404: 'The phone number is not registered on whatsapp網頁版'

            for (const participant of participants) {
                const pWid = window.Store.WidFactory.createWid(participant);
                if ((await window.Store.QueryExist(pWid))?.wid) participantWids.push(pWid);
                else failedParticipants.push(participant);

            parentGroupId && (parentGroupWid = window.Store.WidFactory.createWid(parentGroupId));

            try {
                createGroupResult = await window.Store.GroupUtils.createGroup(
                        'memberAddMode': options.memberAddMode === undefined ? true : options.memberAddMode,
                        'membershipApprovalMode': options.membershipApprovalMode === undefined ? false : options.membershipApprovalMode,
                        'announce': options.announce === undefined ? true : options.announce,
                        'ephemeralDuration': messageTimer,
                        'full': undefined,
                        'parentGroupId': parentGroupWid,
                        'restrict': options.restrict === undefined ? true : options.restrict,
                        'thumb': undefined,
                        'title': title,
            } catch (err) {
                return 'CreateGroupError: An unknown error occupied while creating a group';

            for (const participant of createGroupResult.participants) {
                let isInviteV4Sent = false;
                const participantId = participant.wid._serialized;
                const statusCode = participant.error ?? 200;

                if (autoSendInviteV4 && statusCode === 403) {
                    window.Store.Contact.gadd(participant.wid, { silent: true });
                    const addParticipantResult = await window.Store.GroupInviteV4.sendGroupInviteMessage(
                        await window.Store.Chat.find(participant.wid),
                        await window.WWebJS.getProfilePicThumbToBase64(createGroupResult.wid)
                    isInviteV4Sent = window.compareWwebVersions(window.Debug.VERSION, '<', '2.2335.6')
                        ? addParticipantResult === 'OK'
                        : addParticipantResult.messageSendResult === 'OK';

                participantData[participantId] = {
                    statusCode: statusCode,
                    message: addParticipantResultCodes[statusCode] || addParticipantResultCodes.default,
                    isGroupCreator: participant.type === 'superadmin',
                    isInviteV4Sent: isInviteV4Sent

            for (const f of failedParticipants) {
                participantData[f] = {
                    statusCode: 404,
                    message: addParticipantResultCodes[404],
                    isGroupCreator: false,
                    isInviteV4Sent: false

            return { title: title, gid: createGroupResult.wid, participants: participantData };
        }, title, participants, options);

     * Get all current Labels
     * @returns {Promise<Array<Label>>}
    async getLabels() {
        const labels = await this.pupPage.evaluate(async () => {
            return window.WWebJS.getLabels();

        return labels.map(data => new Label(this, data));
     * Get all current Broadcast
     * @returns {Promise<Array<Broadcast>>}
    async getBroadcasts() {
        const broadcasts = await this.pupPage.evaluate(async () => {
            return window.WWebJS.getAllStatuses();
        return broadcasts.map(data => new Broadcast(this, data));

     * Get Label instance by ID
     * @param {string} labelId
     * @returns {Promise<Label>}
    async getLabelById(labelId) {
        const label = await this.pupPage.evaluate(async (labelId) => {
            return window.WWebJS.getLabel(labelId);
        }, labelId);

        return new Label(this, label);

     * Get all Labels assigned to a chat 
     * @param {string} chatId
     * @returns {Promise<Array<Label>>}
    async getChatLabels(chatId) {
        const labels = await this.pupPage.evaluate(async (chatId) => {
            return window.WWebJS.getChatLabels(chatId);
        }, chatId);

        return labels.map(data => new Label(this, data));

     * Get all Chats for a specific Label
     * @param {string} labelId
     * @returns {Promise<Array<Chat>>}
    async getChatsByLabelId(labelId) {
        const chatIds = await this.pupPage.evaluate(async (labelId) => {
            const label = window.Store.Label.get(labelId);
            const labelItems = label.labelItemCollection.getModelsArray();
            return labelItems.reduce((result, item) => {
                if (item.parentType === 'Chat') {
                return result;
            }, []);
        }, labelId);

        return Promise.all(chatIds.map(id => this.getChatById(id)));

     * Gets all blocked contacts by host account
     * @returns {Promise<Array<Contact>>}
    async getBlockedContacts() {
        const blockedContacts = await this.pupPage.evaluate(() => {
            let chatIds = window.Store.Blocklist.getModelsArray().map(a => a.id._serialized);
            return Promise.all(chatIds.map(id => window.WWebJS.getContact(id)));

        return blockedContacts.map(contact => ContactFactory.create(this.client, contact));

     * Sets the current user's profile picture.
     * @param {MessageMedia} media
     * @returns {Promise<boolean>} Returns true if the picture was properly updated.
    async setProfilePicture(media) {
        const success = await this.pupPage.evaluate((chatid, media) => {
            return window.WWebJS.setPicture(chatid, media);
        }, this.info.wid._serialized, media);

        return success;

     * Deletes the current user's profile picture.
     * @returns {Promise<boolean>} Returns true if the picture was properly deleted.
    async deleteProfilePicture() {
        const success = await this.pupPage.evaluate((chatid) => {
            return window.WWebJS.deletePicture(chatid);
        }, this.info.wid._serialized);

        return success;
     * Change labels in chats
     * @param {Array<number|string>} labelIds
     * @param {Array<string>} chatIds
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    async addOrRemoveLabels(labelIds, chatIds) {

        return this.pupPage.evaluate(async (labelIds, chatIds) => {
            if (['smba', 'smbi'].indexOf(window.Store.Conn.platform) === -1) {
                throw '[LT01] Only whatsapp網頁版 business';
            const labels = window.WWebJS.getLabels().filter(e => labelIds.find(l => l == e.id) !== undefined);
            const chats = window.Store.Chat.filter(e => chatIds.includes(e.id._serialized));

            let actions = labels.map(label => ({id: label.id, type: 'add'}));

            chats.forEach(chat => {
                (chat.labels || []).forEach(n => {
                    if (!actions.find(e => e.id == n)) {
                        actions.push({id: n, type: 'remove'});

            return await window.Store.Label.addOrRemoveLabels(actions, chats);
        }, labelIds, chatIds);

     * An object that handles the information about the group membership request
     * @typedef {Object} GroupMembershipRequest
     * @property {Object} id The wid of a user who requests to enter the group
     * @property {Object} addedBy The wid of a user who created that request
     * @property {Object|null} parentGroupId The wid of a community parent group to which the current group is linked
     * @property {string} requestMethod The method used to create the request: NonAdminAdd/InviteLink/LinkedGroupJoin
     * @property {number} t The timestamp the request was created at

     * Gets an array of membership requests
     * @param {string} groupId The ID of a group to get membership requests for
     * @returns {Promise<Array<GroupMembershipRequest>>} An array of membership requests
    async getGroupMembershipRequests(groupId) {
        return await this.pupPage.evaluate(async (groupId) => {
            const groupWid = window.Store.WidFactory.createWid(groupId);
            return await window.Store.MembershipRequestUtils.getMembershipApprovalRequests(groupWid);
        }, groupId);

     * An object that handles the result for membership request action
     * @typedef {Object} MembershipRequestActionResult
     * @property {string} requesterId User ID whos membership request was approved/rejected
     * @property {number|undefined} error An error code that occurred during the operation for the participant
     * @property {string} message A message with a result of membership request action

     * An object that handles options for {@link approveGroupMembershipRequests} and {@link rejectGroupMembershipRequests} methods
     * @typedef {Object} MembershipRequestActionOptions
     * @property {Array<string>|string|null} requesterIds User ID/s who requested to join the group, if no value is provided, the method will search for all membership requests for that group
     * @property {Array<number>|number|null} sleep The number of milliseconds to wait before performing an operation for the next requester. If it is an array, a random sleep time between the sleep[0] and sleep[1] values will be added (the difference must be >=100 ms, otherwise, a random sleep time between sleep[1] and sleep[1] + 100 will be added). If sleep is a number, a sleep time equal to its value will be added. By default, sleep is an array with a value of [250, 500]

     * Approves membership requests if any
     * @param {string} groupId The group ID to get the membership request for
     * @param {MembershipRequestActionOptions} options Options for performing a membership request action
     * @returns {Promise<Array<MembershipRequestActionResult>>} Returns an array of requester IDs whose membership requests were approved and an error for each requester, if any occurred during the operation. If there are no requests, an empty array will be returned
    async approveGroupMembershipRequests(groupId, options = {}) {
        return await this.pupPage.evaluate(async (groupId, options) => {
            const { requesterIds = null, sleep = [250, 500] } = options;
            return await window.WWebJS.membershipRequestAction(groupId, 'Approve', requesterIds, sleep);
        }, groupId, options);

     * Rejects membership requests if any
     * @param {string} groupId The group ID to get the membership request for
     * @param {MembershipRequestActionOptions} options Options for performing a membership request action
     * @returns {Promise<Array<MembershipRequestActionResult>>} Returns an array of requester IDs whose membership requests were rejected and an error for each requester, if any occurred during the operation. If there are no requests, an empty array will be returned
    async rejectGroupMembershipRequests(groupId, options = {}) {
        return await this.pupPage.evaluate(async (groupId, options) => {
            const { requesterIds = null, sleep = [250, 500] } = options;
            return await window.WWebJS.membershipRequestAction(groupId, 'Reject', requesterIds, sleep);
        }, groupId, options);

     * Setting  autoload download audio
     * @param {boolean} flag true/false
    async setAutoDownloadAudio(flag) {
        await this.pupPage.evaluate(async flag => {
            const autoDownload = window.Store.Settings.getAutoDownloadAudio();
            if (autoDownload === flag) {
                return flag;
            await window.Store.Settings.setAutoDownloadAudio(flag);
            return flag;
        }, flag);

     * Setting  autoload download documents
     * @param {boolean} flag true/false
    async setAutoDownloadDocuments(flag) {
        await this.pupPage.evaluate(async flag => {
            const autoDownload = window.Store.Settings.getAutoDownloadDocuments();
            if (autoDownload === flag) {
                return flag;
            await window.Store.Settings.setAutoDownloadDocuments(flag);
            return flag;
        }, flag);

     * Setting  autoload download photos
     * @param {boolean} flag true/false
    async setAutoDownloadPhotos(flag) {
        await this.pupPage.evaluate(async flag => {
            const autoDownload = window.Store.Settings.getAutoDownloadPhotos();
            if (autoDownload === flag) {
                return flag;
            await window.Store.Settings.setAutoDownloadPhotos(flag);
            return flag;
        }, flag);

     * Setting  autoload download videos
     * @param {boolean} flag true/false
    async setAutoDownloadVideos(flag) {
        await this.pupPage.evaluate(async flag => {
            const autoDownload = window.Store.Settings.getAutoDownloadVideos();
            if (autoDownload === flag) {
                return flag;
            await window.Store.Settings.setAutoDownloadVideos(flag);
            return flag;
        }, flag);

     * Get user device count by ID
     * Each WaWeb Connection counts as one device, and the phone (if exists) counts as one
     * So for a non-enterprise user with one WaWeb connection it should return "2"
     * @param {string} userId
     * @returns {Promise<number>}
    async getContactDeviceCount(userId) {
        return await this.pupPage.evaluate(async (userId) => {
            const devices = await window.Store.DeviceList.getDeviceIds([window.Store.WidFactory.createWid(userId)]);
            if (devices && devices.length && devices[0] != null && typeof devices[0].devices == 'object') {
                return devices[0].devices.length;
            return 0;
        }, userId);

     * Sync chat history conversation
     * @param {string} chatId
     * @return {Promise<boolean>} True if operation completed successfully, false otherwise.
    async syncHistory(chatId) {
        return await this.pupPage.evaluate(async (chatId) => {
            const chat = await window.WWebJS.getChat(chatId);
            if (chat.endOfHistoryTransferType === 0) {
                await window.Store.HistorySync.sendPeerDataOperationRequest(3, {
                    chatId: chat.id
                return true;
            return false;
        }, chatId);

module.exports = Client;